Early Foods’ Review – Healthy Food for Babies, Toddlers, and Kids

Early Foods' Cookies for Toddlers and Kids
Early Foods’ Cookies for Toddlers and Kids

This Early Foods’ review happened by a chance meeting at the “One with Nature” event at Maharashtra Nature Park at Mahim. I had taken my son, Devansh, for that fun event for kids last weekend. There were many interesting stalls there selling products for kids. The one stall that immediately caught my eye was that of Early Foods; I read “organic foods” on the sign displayed and was pulled towards it. It had many ready-to-eat snacks for kids, and I started tasting the samples to decide which ones Devansh would like. That’s when I got talking to Shalini, the charming entrepreneur and force behind Early Foods. Shalini said her son was her motivation behind Early Foods—chemical-free, nutritious food for babies, toddlers, kids, and expecting or breastfeeding mothers.

These days time has become a luxury for us; mothers of babies and toddlers are especially crunched for time. And so packaged food has become our savior. But it’s important to not become oblivious to the harm processed, ready-to-eat food is causing us and our children. Most packaged foods contain chemical additives and preservatives. Plus they are made using non-organic cereals and pulses that contain traces of toxic pesticides. Also, often they are loaded with harmful refined sugar (contains sulphur) or high fructose corn syrup. That’s why initiatives like Early Foods must be lauded for making naturally-enriched, nutritious food for babies, toddlers, kids, and mothers by using organic whole wheat, millets, and superior quality dry fruits. Read my detailed Early Foods’ review below.

Early Foods' Porridge Mix Powder for Babies
Early Foods’ Porridge Mix Powder for Babies

Range of Early Foods’ Products

Instant Mixes and Porridge Mixes for Babies and Toddlers

Most ready-made baby foods contain milk solids and refined sugar, which are harmful for your baby’s sensitive digestive system.  Babies’ and toddlers’ digestive systems are delicate and still developing. The digestive health in the first two years especially is very crucial as it impacts long-term immunity of children. Poor digestive health at this stage can affect child’s growth and development adversely. So it is of utmost importance to buy food for babies and toddlers wisely. Early foods’ baby food products do not contain refined sugar, salt, or milk powder. They have a wide range of instant and porridge mixes for babies and toddlers that are nutritious combinations of organic millets, cereals, and superior quality dry fruits. These mixes are freshly made on order. These products are available in trial, full, and combo packs.

Healthy Snacks for Toddlers and Kids

Which mother isn’t looking for ready-to-eat snack options for kids? So when these snacks are made using organic grains, and are free of preservatives, artificial flavors, soda or baking powder, hydrogenated fats, they are “guilt-free” as well. I didn’t mind Devansh snacking on Early Foods’ Whole Wheat Ajwain Cookies at night because he was hungry even after having his dinner. In fact even I am guilty of hogging their ajwain as well as multi-grain millet cookies shamelessly because I knew they don’t contain refined sugar.

Health Mixes for Expecting or Breastfeeding Mothers

While we women pay a lot of attention to what our kids are eating we often tend to ignore our own health. However, what expecting or breastfeeding mothers eat has a direct impact on the health of the child. Early Foods has traditionally inspired prenatal food products to naturally nourish moms-to-be to help healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. They also have products like protein powder made from pumpkin, sunflower, and watermelon seeds for expecting moms, and badam and date powder for breastfeeding moms.

The Verdict

I would totally recommend Early Foods products as they are free of chemicals, preservatives, and artificial flavors. Plus these wide range of products come in BPA-free packaging. Their products are not only healthy but tasty too. Devansh and I liked the kids’ health snacks that we ate so far. So I conclude this Early Foods’ review by giving their products a big thumbs up.


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