Devansh took a long time to cultivate the taste for eggs. I really really (I probably should add one more “really” here) wanted Devansh to start eating eggs because it provides the much needed protein in the almost-vegetarians’ (eggetarians’) diet. Devansh didn’t like eggs initially but now he absolutely LOVES them. We don’t make eggs when my in-laws are staying with us as they’re strict vegetarians. So I happened to make this egg curry, or anything eggs for that matter, after a gap of some two months. Devansh’s response was something any mom can dream of, he had his lunch without any nataks what-so-ever. This egg curry recipe is also one of my personal favorites as a matter of fact. :)
Like most kids, Devansh knows mom’s weak points. He figured out pretty early that I will do anything to entertain him to ensure he finishes his meal. (I am not kidding, I literally will do anything; I have gone hoarse singing him nursery rhymes, giving running commentary on the birds, trees and what not while standing by the window or in the terrace or balcony, vehicles’ videos on YouTube, reading storybooks—to name few of the antics.)
These days by public (read Devansh) demand, we watch some TV while having lunch. Like all smart alec kids, who know that you can get what you want when mom’s desperation is at its peak, Devansh will clamp his mouth shut after having 4-5 bites if the TV is not on. Only when his favorite cartoon (which happens to be Croods these days) is on will he resume eating. And like all smart moms, I switch off the TV the minute his lunch is over. Devansh seems OK with that for now. The reason why I wrote all this is that on the day I made this egg curry, Devansh didn’t ask for TV or any other form of entertainment; he just ate non-stop. Made using protein-rich eggs and dietary-fiber-rich coconut, curries don’t get healthier than this. :-) Hope you and your kiddos like this curry as much as Devansh.

Egg Curry Recipe
- 3 boiled eggs
- One onion chopped
- One tomato chopped
- 3-4 tbsp grated coconut
- 5-6 cloves of garlic chopped
- 1/4 th tsp red chili powder
- 1/5 th tsp turmeric powder
- Pinch of garam masala powder
- Pinch of pepper powder
- One and a half tbsp oil
- Salt to taste
- Heat a kadai and add one tbsp oil. (I used a regular kadai, not a non-stick one.)
- When the oil is hot, add chopped garlic, and sauté till the garlic turns golden in color.
- Add chopped onion, and sauté till the onion turns translucent.
- Add chopped tomato, sauté for a minute, and then add turmeric powder and red chili powder. (You can reduce or increase the quantity of red chili powder as per your child’s age and preference.)
- Sauté till the oil starts to separate from the mixture, and then add grated coconut.
- Sauté for 2-3 minutes. Keep pressing the grated coconut with a spatula so that it comes in contact with the kadai and gets cooked properly.
- Turn off heat, allow the mixture to cool, and then transfer it in a mixer’s bowl.
- Add a little water and grind it to a smooth paste.
- Heat half tbsp oil in a kadai. (You can use the same kadai as before.)
- Cut the eggs in half lengthwise and add them in the kadai.
- Sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper powder on the eggs, and sauté for a minute.
- Add the onion-tomato-coconut paste and required amount of water depending on the desired consistency of the curry.
- Allow the curry to cook on medium flame for 3-4 minutes while stirring intermittently, and then add salt and garam masala powder. (You can increase the quantity of garam masala powder if you’re making the curry for adults. Also, instead of garam masala, you can use “ghati masala” to give the curry a spicy, Maharashtrian flavor. It tastes awesome but since Devansh can’t handle a spicy curry, I stick to garam masala.)
- Bring the curry to a boil, and then lower the heat and add chopped coriander.
- Stir once and then turn off heat.
- Serve with hot rotis or rice.
Hi mukta…I cnt c the recipes…I keep clicking on read more but it nvr cums…pls help
Try now…should work…and thanks for bringing it to my notice :)
Amazing recipes Mukta …Very simple and neat …
Thanks Reshma. I honestly don't have the patience to slave for hours in the kitchen so I tend to stick to simple recipes most of the time. ;-)
Hi just seen the lovey egg curry recipe, it seems to be perfect for my kid or any kid who demands some kind of entertainment while eating. It has been the day’s ordeal to make him sit and eat without tantrum. Since he is an egg lover and the recipe is tasty healthy combination, no doubt it’s going to his heart. Thank you.
Glad you liked my recipe Antara. My kiddo loves egg curry. He can have this every single day, not kidding. :) Hope yours likes it too. Btw how old is he? When Devansh was younger even he needed some entertainment while eating. We’re past that phase now. Phew!!
Lovely dish, thanks:)
I will try this at home.