Watermelon in Rose Syrup Recipe

Water Melon in Rose Syrup
Water Melon in Rose Syrup

Just the other day, I was reading an article in Bombay Times that said the change in weather is causing a lot of people to fall sick, making them vulnerable to infections. It said right diet is our best defense against such climatic changes. And we should be eating lots of vegetables and fruits during the day and drinking limbu pani and buttermilk.

When it comes to fruits, we know by now that eating fruits is better than drinking them as juices so that you don’t lose out on fiber. Also, you feel full after eating a fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. I came across another interesting argument in favor of eating fruits against drinking fruit juices on one website. When you eat an orange you may eat one or two. But if you have one glass of orange juice you are essentially consuming about six oranges as it takes that many oranges to squeeze out one glass of juice. Now that is way too many oranges for one sitting.

Ideally, we should have two servings of fruits in a day and so should your baby. Even the food chart your baby’s pediatrician gives you will confirm that. Ever since Devansh got his first set of teeth I’ve tried to feed him fruits—slightly mashed and pulpy when he was smaller. Now-a-days, I make small pieces and hand him the bowl and fork and let him eat by himself. Although I must confess these days I give him fruits once a day rather than twice. But I digress, getting back to fruits and this scorching summer heat…I’m giving Devansh watermelon these days. I also add some rose syrup to the watermelon as rose petals are supposed to be good for summer. Which reminds me I should buy some gulkand as well. :)

Watermelon in Rose Syrup Recipe

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Try this watermelon in rose syrup recipe to beat the heat. Eating fruits is a healthier option than having fruit juice as you don’t lose out on fiber.
Author Mukta Tikekar


  • Watermelon
  • Rose Syrup


  • Chop the watermelon into small pieces
  • Add rose syrup
  • Mix well and serve

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